Playtime with your kids is very healthy

Supervised Neighborhood Play (SNP) is one of the strategies a parent can employ not only to spend quality time with your kids but at the same time it is a form of a healthy exercise for your kids.

Playtime with your kids is indeed very healthy, both physically and socially when it comes to your relationship with your children.

There are many thing we could do as parents during playtime with our kids, we just need to be creative. Just recently we played a simple tag game in our front yard. Other things that we could do during our playtime with our kids is to play hide and seek, badminton, baseball or even a simple catch game would do during our playtime.

During the said playtime outside, we are really exercising our physical body thus it has a good effect for us. Well, just a caution though, that we should be careful not to hurt ourselves or our kids. Safety is always our best concern.

As I mentioned, this could also be in effect help our relationship with our kids grow and at the same time by getting to know them better, we are also teaching them values like courage, self-confidence, sportsmanship and fair play.

So, why not use your playtime with your kids to benefit both physically and socially.

Have fun playing with your kids!


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