Teach your children how to be thankful in everything

One of the best attitude to teach and mold into the character of our children is gratitude.

It is but natural for children to have receive something and then forget to thank the giver, and that would truly hurt the giver!  Imagine if you are the giver and doesn't received even a simple thank you.

And worst is, often times, it is but natural for children to complain and grumble in spite of everything!

I often reminded my kids to be really, really, really thankful and grateful in everything, as in EVERYTHING.  Even I myself, practice what I am teaching my kids.  Every now and then if someone did something, a service of any kind, even store clerk, or a bus driver, or a security guard or policeman, or the mailman, and other kinds of jobs people have, I really never forget to say even a simple, heartfelt "thank you."

In the passage of the Scriptures from 1 Corinthians 10:10 we could read, "And do not grumble, as some of them did--and were killed by the destroying angel." (NIV)   What a lesson we could learn from the Israelites and the same lesson we could teach ourselves and our children as well.  

So never complain.  Never grumble.  Never ever murmur.  Because every time we receive something, especially if it is a good thing, or sometimes a "not so good" thing, we should have that gratitude attitude.

Let us remember what was written in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

Thank you for having the time to read this short but meaningful post.

God bless you, your children and your whole family.

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