Build A Strong Foundation For Your Child

Three Basic Guidelines:

1. From birth, the training of a child begins and should never stop - for the first eighteen to twenty-one years you are your child's chief teacher then life takes over.  Your child has really a lot of lessons to learn, to begin with,  from birth onwards.  Child training is an ongoing process which should involve the emotion, physical, and spiritual aspects.  So, discipline, encouragement and proper guidance is needed.

2. A Child's most important teacher that he or she will ever have is his or her parent - our home is the first classroom for life of a child and the parent is the first teacher.  A word of caution, we should teach by example, wherein we should walk our talk.  That is, the instructions that come from our lips, we should also live by daily.

3. Love and Discipline should go hand in hand - balance - love without discipline is not love and discipline without love is only punishment.  Disciplining your child means loving him or her but with firm correction .  Results of this can be found when obedience to parent, respect for the laws of the land, and a well-ordered flexible personality is displayed in a given situation.

No parent would set out to deliberately destroy and ruin his children emotionally and spiritually; sad but true to many parents who neglects to discipline their children.  It's like saying, "I don't care enough for you to bother to correct your wrongdoings".


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