Say Sorry To Your Kid is a Great Thing

Oftentimes as adults, it is very hard for us to say I am sorry, maybe because of our pride.  It is even more difficult for most parents to say sorry to their children.  Of course, we are still human, and we are also prone to commit mistake even to our children.

One good example is when we are disciplining our kids when they quarrel and we're not sure who started what and so we might end up spanking or disciplining the wrong child.  There is nothing wrong to say sorry to your child if you have made the mistake.  In fact, it is a magical thing to do and at the same time you are teaching your child the value of being humble.

Children also mostly feel validated when their parents know how to apologize or say sorry for some mistakes that they have done as parents.

And one more thing, when you say sorry to your kid say it like you mean it from your heart.  Kids can really feel and detect it if our feelings and expressions are genuine or not.

In the end, your parent-child relationship will grow more stronger.


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